This site is a place to test your current knowledge of Ruby or Ruby on Rails technologies (for now). There are four types of games with simple questions and yes/no responses. All questions are generated by ChatGPT, as of February 2023.
Some of the answers provided by ChatGPT may be a bit debatable, as some of the questions might ask about whether you can build 3D games or do large scientific calculations with Ruby. While the answer is technically "yes," ChatGPT may have answered "no" as other programming languages are generally faster and more commonly used in those fields. So, for now, please consider those ChatGPT-suggested answers as correct (there are only a few cases).
The goal of the quiz is to play short games and renew your knowledge in a quick and easy way. In addition to playing individually, after you finish a game, you can challenge some of your friends to play the same set of questions. By using your friends' email addresses, you can invite them to sign up on the site and take the quiz. At the end, your friend will receive an email invitation to accept or reject the challenge and play the game individually. If your friend chooses to accept the challenge, there will be a result list that compares your scores. For now, we have more than 260 questions in two technologies: Ruby and Ruby on Rails. Soon, we will add more questions with answer options ABC and 1234 to make the games a bit harder. Also, after every game, if you go to your profile, you will see buttons for opening game-generated certificates and individual game results, which can be easily shared on social networks like LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook.
Let's play knowledge games and invite your friends to join the site. Let's make the Ruby community better!