VIRTUAL HYGIENE - the term I made 15/12/2022 ~ Views: 904
My next blog is more related to general thinking about the time we live. Let me re-share my thoughts from November 2019. From the blog post published on  the blog

At that period in my life I had a lot of free time to think about the past - present and future, and about the changes and progress we are living in.
The result of non-formal thinking was a proposal to name adequate terms for a better and healthier online/virtual experience and presence. "our virtual existence".

After some thought, I came to the term "Virtual Hygiene" which is a coin of two other terms.

Virtual - in-world computers are often explained as 'not physically existing as such but made by software to appear to do so'. It is a computer-based simulated environment which may be populated by many users who represent them self in the way of a personal avatar.

Hygiene - was the Greek goddess of health, cleanliness, and sanitation. In general definition it is a 'practice or activity that you do to keep things healthy and clean'.

Final suggestion for term 'Virtual Hygiene' definition would be:

Virtual Hygiene - ' is practice or activity which has a goal to protect our general health and presence in the virtual (computer) generated world'.

Analyzing the current worldwide trends in an IT revolution, where the internet access and peoples presence 'online' / 'virtual' is spreading in tremendous speed. We are becoming increasingly aware of virtual existence and its consequences.

For us now. Or for future generations it is very important to take care of our 'Virtual presence'. For a long time nobody was so worried about their 'Virtual presence' in a way that it would be something that will last forever.

As, in real life, we all have something that we don't like to be reminded of. In 'Virtual' world the things we wouldn't like to be reminded of will still be there. By current regulations and trends, we can't do too much to prevent that.

'Virtual Hygiene' becoming crucial for our presence in a Virtual/Online world. We should all make efforts to think about actions and activities in a way before we do something that will be there forever, either we like that or no.

The activities we do every day in our real 'Physical' life like washing our hands, watching our bad talk/language, store our garbage, clean our house. Should also take place in a 'Virtual' world. All these activities are contributing to our personal and global health and creating better assumptions for those who come next. It's our duty to leave the 'real' and 'virtual' worlds in better shape.

So, for the good 'Virtual Hygiene' it would be important for us to think about our activities online, about our presence.

Let's try not to make things worse for others. Be more polite in every day communication. Let's not pollute the world with bad thoughts, bad actions, and a bad atmosphere in general.

NOTE: This is just a preview and my thoughts about the term and definition.
Please be free to edit/update/correct me - 27.11.2019 Nezir Z.

Tags: #virtual #hygiene #term


Nezir Zahirovic
Ruby On Rails Full stack last 8 years.
C#, ASP.NET, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, Bootstrap 11 years.

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